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Why Fall is a Great Time to Schedule a Checkup

a woman getting a dental cleaning

Fall is Approaching! Schedule Your Dental Checkup to Maintain Your Smile this Season.

If you’re like most people, you probably wait until the last minute to schedule your dental checkup appointments. As fall approaches, we’re beginning to see the leaves change colors, and pumpkin spice everything is back in stores. With all of the great things fall brings, it’s also a great time to schedule your dental checkup. So, if you’ve been putting off your dental cleaning with ProHEALTH Dental, now is the perfect time to schedule one. Here’s why!

Beat the Holiday Rush

Dental offices are very busy during the holiday season, like many other places. Everyone is scheduling their appointments and making sure their teeth are cleaned, and cavities are filled before taking holiday photos with their family. This is why fall is a great time to schedule your checkup. You’ll be able to beat the holiday rush in November and December and ensure your teeth are cleaned before all of your fun holiday plans.

Take Advantage of Your Dental Coverage

Dental insurance often runs based on the calendar year, which is why it’s important to fit in your checkup appointment before the year ends. Squeezing in your appointment right before the year ends in December might not be the best option due to how busy dentist offices get, which is why fall timing can often be much better. Additionally, dental coverage doesn’t roll over into the next year. So, if you have $1,000 worth of dental coverage that you don’t use before the year ends, it will be wasted! Make sure you take advantage of your dental insurance to avoid wasting money.

Ensure Clean Teeth Before the Season of Sweets!

Whether you or your children love to snack on seasonal sweets, it’s essential to ensure your teeth are cleaned and any issues are taken care of before the holidays begin. That way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your teeth are healthy to enjoy the holidays.

At ProHEALTH Dental, we are passionate about helping our patients achieve and maintain a healthy smile. We offer a wide range of dental services for patients of all ages and want to ensure you and your little ones are holiday-ready. Please contact us today to schedule an appointment before the holidays!
