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How Genetics Affect Your Oral Health

Three generations smiling

Genetics and Your Oral Health

Many of us understand that genetics play a role in determining various aspects of physical health, but did you know genetics can also affect oral health? From the type of teeth and gums you have to the chemical makeup of your saliva, there are many different factors in which your genes can influence your dental well-being. In this blog, our dental professionals will discuss genetics and how they impact oral health.

How The Type of Teeth You Have Affects Your Oral Health

Genetics plays an integral role in determining the type of teeth you have. For instance, some people are born with teeth that have deeper grooves and softer enamel, while others are born with smoother teeth and harder enamel. While these factors may seem mundane, they significantly impact the health of your teeth.

Teeth with Grooves

Teeth with deeper grooves serve as a “pathway” for bacteria to reach tooth enamel easier. This happens because the bacteria hides in the grooves, making them harder to clean. Smooth teeth with fewer grooves are easier to clean since there are less crevices for sugar and bacteria to hide.

Hardness of Enamel

If your parents have strong, hard enamel, you are likely to have strong enamel. However, if they have weak, soft enamel, you probably have it too. Soft enamel will have a more challenging time combatting the effects of bacteria and sugar, making your teeth more susceptible to cavities and tooth decay.

How The Chemical Makeup of Your Saliva Affects Your Teeth

Saliva plays a significant role in neutralizing acids and plaque buildup in our mouths. The chemical makeup and consistency of saliva vary from person to person and are mainly dependent on genetics. People with thinner saliva may be more prone to developing cavities since their saliva cannot adequately rinse away food particles that cause tooth decay.

How Genetics and Gum Disease Affect Your Oral Health

If you have a family history of gum disease or periodontitis, you may be predisposed to developing these conditions. This is due to both genetic predisposition as well as lifestyle traits that are often shared within families, such as:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking habits

Individuals with a family history of gum disease or periodontitis must maintain good oral hygiene habits to reduce their risk of developing these conditions.

How to Combat Genetic Oral Health Conditions

The best way to prevent genetic conditions from affecting oral health is to maintain regular dental cleanings with an experienced dental professional. They will be able to monitor your oral health closely and provide early intervention if any issues arise due to genetics.

It’s also essential to practice good hygiene habits at home, such as:

  • Brushing twice daily for two minutes
  • Flossing once daily
  • Avoid eating sugary snacks and drinks
  • Use fluoride-based toothpaste
  • Drinking plenty of water

These simple steps can go a long way towards preventing genetic conditions from affecting your oral health.

Contact ProHEALTH Dental

Maintaining good oral health is vital to your overall wellness. If you are looking for a dentist you can trust, ProHEALTH Dental is here for you. Our team of experienced dental professionals can provide the care you need to keep your teeth healthy for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment! (855) 750-5011

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